Here’s a fact: 25% more waste is generated by Americans during Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day celebrations. It’s frightening to think how we produce such a big waste in a span of 2 days.
However, it is possible to apply small changes during Thanksgiving to still make it a happy celebration without skimping on your pledge of living an eco-friendly lifestyle. Here are some suggestions to try:
- Skip the decorations, go for natural items to highlight your place. Decorating with nature is possible. You can use pine branches, acorns, pinecones, and colorful leaves and flowers! Not only are they free but they definitely add a touch of sophistication. They also give off a wonderful fragrant to your dining table. Best of all, once you’re done with the festivity, you can always return them back to nature.
- Reuse when possible. Use reusable dishes and cloth napkins. But if you want the convenience of single-use items then go for ecofriendly disposable cups, plates, napkins, and utensils. Some of them are 100 percent recycled and are made of compostable materials.
- Go for local foods. Support local businesses especially now that the economy is tough due to pandemic. Go for farmer’s market within your locality. Local foods tend to require lesser greenhouse gases and the produce are usually grown on smaller farms that uphold sustainable practices that could very much help save nature.
- Prepare foods that is just enough for all your guests. Avoid food waste during the festivity by preparing smaller portion.
- Give back to the community. In case you can, volunteer to donate unused food to a shelter or volunteer to a food bank. If ever the food banks near you are not welcoming volunteers this pandemic, then try to extend your help to a neighbor in need. Doing grocery shopping for them will help you live the true essence of Thanksgiving.